My honest Flodesk review by an email expert

Why my favourite email software is Flodesk

This is a proud partnership between Flodesk and Professional Babe But note — this is a genuine review of a software I’ve used for almost 5 years. If you’re interested, please go through my link and enjoy 50% off your first year.

There is no correlation between complicated software and making money. The best email software for your business is the one you want to use. For this reason, I recommend Flodesk.

“How is someone like you single?”
“How are you this incredible, fun and hot”
“What email marketing software do you use and recommend”

I hear the above questions daily. The top two I can’t answer as they’re a trade secret, but the bottom one is easy. Short answer, Flodesk. Long answer, keep reading!

Choosing software and deciding what’s best for your business is personal. Not every software is suited to every business.

When asking for software recommendations, people will give you what works for them. There’s no regard of what will actually work for you. It’s kind of like asking for a chocolate cake recommendation — people will give you what they like.

Flodesk is email marketing software that’s suited to service-based businesses. And it does as all good email marketing software should do — it allows you to grow your list, nurture it, and sell to it.

The difference with Flodesk is it’s visual, beautiful, and can be on brand for any business. If visuals are important for you, then Flodesk could be the perfect contender!

When I rebranded Professional Babe to a consultancy, I wanted to upgrade my email software. My current one was clunky, expensive, and pretty ugly.

My friend was using Flodesk and her beautiful campaigns that reminded me of magazine layouts. This was enough reason for me to sign up. I got my first month for free and made $1000 in sales in the free trial. And all from a sexy lead magnet — a copy guide. (Side note: always go through an affiliate as you get the best deals!)

I’ve been a Flodesk user for almost five years now. It shocks people at times that I’m an email expert and I promote a software that most would define as too simple.

There is no correlation between complicated software and making money. The best email software that will make your business easier to run and for you the most money is the one you want to use and is easy to use*.

For this reason, I recommend Flodesk. I use it. My clients use it. And it’s responsible for me making multiple six-figures in email sales.

*The only caveat is, if you’re an ecommerce business, you need to use an ecommerce-specific software that integrates with your website.

I use email like a clone of me. It’s like my unpaid robot version of Peta that always shows up and never needs sleep. For that reason, I have so many workflows set up that ensure my business doesn’t stop when I stop.

There are four specific things that I have Flodesk do for me:
Nurture new subscribers to educate them about my business through welcome workflows
– Use sales sequences that sell my hero offers
– Educate customers on their purchase with onboarding workflows — and sell them the next
– And I have regular campaigns that develop trust, build authority, give value, and explain my offerings.

The above is how I have a successful business without needing staff or a virtual assistant.


  • It’s easy to use. You’re busy and you’re an entrepreneur who doesn’t have time to watch a 15-minute video on how to send a campaign. It’s easy enough to click in and figure your way around the software without getting lost. You could log into Flodesk and navigate your way around without watching a tutorial — even if you’re an email novice.
  • Unlimited subscribers. This is EPIC as you won’t be penalised with higher costs for list growth. I love it for clients as it’s something that remains steady with their marketing budget and avoids fluctuating costs. I know some software charges you for unsubscribes and that’s not the case here.
  • Unlimited sends. Send as many emails as you like — all without spending any more money! This is one of my favourite features.
  • Great deliverability. Having worked with hundreds of clients with their campaigns, I rarely experience any issues where emails turn up with Flodesk. They never go missing and I find it quite simple to even end up in the primary inbox — even with a blatant sales campaign!
  • Easy set up. You don’t need to have an IT degree to get started including the technical set-up of linking your domain because the intuitive set-up makes it simple.
  • Good Zapier automations. I use Kajabi as my payment processor and course host and I find it easy to use the many options between Zapier and Flodesk to get them to speak together.
  • Good customisable emails. Sending on brand campaigns is important and it’s easy to do and make them beautiful for your business.


  • LINK TAGGING! This is my FAVOURITE feature when it comes to emailing as it gives you the ability to segment based on subscriber behaviour. The result = a highly personalised experience and better email results. If you need convincing, segmented campaigns can get up to 760% more revenue compared to ones that aren’t!
  • Sexy opt-in forms. You have the ability to do pop-ups, inline forms, and even full-page forms. The forms within Flodesk keep getting better and better with newly added countdown forms and even spinners. When we make things interactive and fun, naturally, we’ll better engage people = higher opt-ins = higher sales.
  • Easy to understand reporting and analytics. Each campaign is visual and easy to understand when it comes to reporting. I will say, it doesn’t have an hourly breakdown per campaign like some email software does but don’t let this put you off. You can also see overall analytics for opt-ins and engagement which make refining your strategy a breeze.

I wish we had tags. You’ll notice I love link tagging and how Flodesk does this is via segments and colour-coding segments. For me as I segment A LOT, it can be a little confusing so I’d love a way to segment within a segment utilising tags. Is this a deal-breaker? Not at all.

Flodesk is great for online business owners, entrepreneurs, and course sellers. It’s also perfect for business owners getting started with email marketing and those who want a program that’s intuitive and easy to use.

If you’re ecommerce you can’t use it. It’s not the software for you.

I don’t really think you can compare Flodesk to a super established company like Mailchimp or Klaviyo. Flodesk was established in 2019 and it’s a smaller company. I can see an amazing future (which benefits us!) for Flodesk and I’m so pleased I got in early.

I think a lot of people assume having a software with very complex automations is going to give them the business results they want, but it won’t. What will is a program that’s easy to use, intuitive, and one that actually feels good to use.

You can see some clients of mine here and here that use Flodesk and have gotten some very sexy results in their business. Don’t let the simplicity put you off.

Something as well to consider—especially with entrepreneurs and growing teams—is that you want the software easy to use for your team. Although you may hire someone who specialises in marketing, there will be at times a need for you to use the software or your assistant, and for that reason you need something that’s simple.

100% yes if you’re a service-provider business and you want some hot software that’s easy to use, amazing value for money, AND will make your business money.

Peta Xx

This is a proud partnership between Flodesk and Professional Babe. If you’re interested, please go through my link and enjoy 50% off your first year.

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