GGE: 1 million dollars in email marketing revenue in 12 months - Professional Babe

GGE: 1 million dollars in email marketing revenue in 12 months

“For a client, we did 1 million dollars in email marketing revenue in 12 months” — Carly Smith, founder of Socially Graceful.

Company: Socially Graceful –
The babe in charge: Carly Smith
Email software: Personally, Mailerlite. For client work, Maropost, Klaviyo, Mailchimp, ConvertKit, Active Campaign, and Flodesk.
List size: Personally, 300. For client work, I work with lists over 100k
When you joined GGE, what quiz result did you get: Valerie

What do you sell?
I’m a digital marketing strategist who specialises in social media and email marketing.

Who is your customer?
I work with business owners who are ready to get help with their marketing, because juggling all the balls and figuring it out themselves isn’t a vibe anymore (or they need someone to give them strategy – because they don’t have any).

What problems did your business have before investing in Give Good Email?
I signed up because I knew how important email marketing was, and really wanted to up my game when it came to email marketing – as well as offer it as a service (and know what the hell I was doing).

What made you decide to go with us over other service providers? We get we’re shit hot, but what was the reasoning for saying HELL YEAH to Give Good Email?
I honestly don’t think when I signed up there were any others? BUT I had already worked with you in your membership and knew how amazing you were, and was instantly in. I didn’t even read the sales page!

What was your main goal for purchasing Give Good Email and did we help you achieve it?
I wanted to upskill and uplevel my awareness of email marketing – I had used it previously but I wanted to get better at it, and give really fucking good email to those who add themselves to my list, and the list of my clients.

Prior to GGE, were you making money from email marketing?
Me personally, no. My clients, yes – but it’s gone from 30% in email marketing revenue to over 40-60% consistently – month on month.

After being in GGE, how much email revenue are you making?
For me, it’s a 100% increase as I wasn’t generating before — now I am 😉 For a client, we did 1 million dollars in email marketing revenue in 12 months. For another client, they went from sending ad hoc emails (like 1 email every month or two) and generating good revenue to doing 60k in just 3 months with me starting their emails (January 2024 – March 2024).

What has been the BEST part of Give Good Email?
I love the roadmap and how it’s customised to you. Plus the calls, when I can make them, there’s always so many gems within.

How long did it take you being in GGE to see email results?
For clients, instantly. For me, not too long – but that’s more a “me” not selling enough and trying to be everyone’s bestie all the time.

Implementing what you have learned from GGE, how much time have you saved a week from email?
Maybe 2-3hrs per week if we think about the automations.

Can you estimate the ROI from your GGE investment?
Impossible to calculate as the return for myself (and my clients) has been huge.

Would you set us up with your friends and family? If so, how come?
I always recommend you in groups etc. I find everything that you do really amazing value and love to share that with others.

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