GGE: From home-based business to international expansion - Professional Babe
goldylost hair clementine

GGE: From home-based business to international expansion

“I have welcome flows which email FAQs and after purchase emails which answer many questions. This has allowed me to grow my business from just myself in my home to employing 7 staff and opening two stores in Australia and one in the planning stages for USA.” — Clementine, founder of Goldylost Hair.

Company: Goldylost Hair
The babe in charge: Clementine
Email software: Klaviyo
List size: 7800
When you joined GGE, what quiz result did you get: Nancy

What do you sell?
Human hair wigs and hair toppers.

Who is your customer?
Women experiencing hair loss.

What problems did your business have before investing in Give Good Email?
I would occasionally send a newsletter. I knew I should be doing email marketing but I didn’t know what to send. I didn’t understand list building, segments or flows. I had a small list and never made sales from it. I had no pop up to get emails, no welcome flow, no after sales emails so I was manually sending a lot of emails and spending hours replying to DM’s on my socials to answer questions.

What made you decide to go with us over other service providers? We get we’re shit hot, but what was the reasoning for saying HELL YEAH to Give Good Email?
I had looked into paying a marketing agency, but I didn’t know enough about email marketing to know if they were good, or the price was fair. I had been ripped off in the past. I didn’t plan to do my own emails, but I wanted to have a good understanding, so I could hire someone good. I learnt so much I now do all my own email marketing and my customers love it! The reason I chose GGE was because I liked Peta. I had received her emails and they were great. Her flows worked perfectly and I wanted email flows that were that easy for my clients to understand. I could see that by having them set up like she did, I would save so much time. I liked the way she talked and told stories. At the time my business was very small and the money seemed like a lot to invest. But I am so glad I did.

What was your main goal for purchasing Give Good Email and did we help you achieve it?
It was to understand email marketing enough to send some simple newsletters and in the future hire someone to to my emails for me. I did much better than reaching these goals! I learnt about flows, grew my list, make a large portion of my revenue through email now (instead of having to make reels everyday), and I never had to hire someone.

Prior to GGE, were you making money from email marketing?
Not really. One sale every now and then off my New Products emails which I sent out ad-hoc.

After being in GGE, how much email revenue are you making?
From Jan 2024 – Aug 2024 my email sales are up 610% from last 6 months. In the first months of starting my GGE, my initial sales were around $6000.

What has been the BEST part of Give Good Email?
Getting an understanding of how important email marketing is. Making revenue that is yours instead of relying on socials, which can be gone tomorrow. Learning what flows are and setting them up to nurture the client, whilst giving me back so much time. I enjoyed the Zoom calls too!

How long did it take you being in GGE to see email results?
As soon as I started. It took me half a day to read some of the content and implement some strategies. I haven’t actually even finished the course. I got half way through and got too busy with business. So I know I still have so much more room to grow!

Implementing what you have learned from GGE, how much time have you saved a week from email?
At least 10 hours a week. I used to answer the same questions over and over in emails and DM’s. Now these questions are in a handbook which people can sign up for. I have welcome flows which email FAQs and after purchase emails which answer many questions. This has allowed me to grow my business from just myself in my home to employing 7 staff and opening 2 stores in Australia and one in the planning stages for USA.

Can you estimate the ROI from your GGE investment?

Would you set us up with your friends and family? If so, how come?
Yes, I tell all my friends starting their own business. I see them struggling with the same things I did. Looking to hire an agency to do it for them, which is a big investment and not knowing if they would see any returns. Its better to learn these skills yourself. Invest in yourself and you will save so much time and money in the future.

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